Thursday, June 11, 2009

I usually love surprises. However, not all surprises are good. Today Stephen told me there was something for me on the porch. I knew I hadn't ordered anything. It wasn't my birthday, Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. So I cautiously looked out the window next to the door. And sure enough, there it was. A large, grey, dead mouse. Tigger had been at it again. He's the best mouser I have ever seen. This year alone I've lost count of the many mice and shrews that he's brought home and laid on the porch. Mind you, I'm thrilled he's controlling the rodent population, but I really wish he didn't have to show off.

A few weeks ago Stephen was in Germany. I let Abbie out to do her 'business' and spotted the back end of a mouse. On the welcome mat. I would rather take care of a whole dead mouse than just the tail, butt and back legs of one. NASTY!!! And of course, Stephen was in Germany and Bruce was at work so I had to take care of the partial carcass.


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